Adidas – Original is Never Finished

The challenge in this project was to come up with motion-tests and variations that utilized footage to create a digitally degraded zoetrope-like effect to the footage, initially we glitched and data-moshed the footage until we back-tracked and decided to stay away from extreme glitch, as there are only so many ways to digitally glitch and crunch the footage until it starts to look repetitive and generic. We re-aligned our focus to approach this project to convey a zoetrope-like shutter, a lot of keying, rotoscoping and tracking went into creating the motion-tests that ultimately was sent to the head editor, Antoine Doudi to choose which tests he liked and could incorporate on his end. This was a collaborative process and I was honored to contribute to this spot for Adidas.


Process – Motion Options

After endless shutter/zoe-trope/glitch variations were concepted and animated in After Effects, Antoine selected his favorites and recreate this on his end. In addition to supporting the 2D team with treatments/mood concepts for this spot I also created some tertiary screen elements used in the spot.