
Since mythology plays a big part in Olympus, I kept the show packaging relevant to Olympus by referencing the actual runic symbols used in the show along with the snake used to foretell the Hero’s prophecy. The show logo was designed to resolve through volcanic stones which essentially forms to ‘complete’ the prophecy. The Syfy button was given a simple epic sweep, I didn’t want to repeat the same resolve for the Syfy logo since that would have been repetitive, and that’s the last thing you want when trying to engage the viewers.

  • Creative Director: Alex Terapane
  • Design Direction:: Calvin Chu
  • Project Manager: Andrew Rezin
  • Art Director/ Animator: Bobby Ushiro
  • Writer/ Producer: Jessica Sue Burstein



Several logo variations for Olympus. I already made my mind up that Olympus required classic greek/roman lettering, so serifs was a must! I enjoy taking a holistic approach to designing from the ground up so I see logo designs as the first step in executing a successful show package. I’m already thinking of different ways each of these logos can animate, essentially each separate logo resolve dictates it’s own direction. Aside from the final Olympus packaging created, I felt a ‘shield’ direction would have been a viable direction if we needed an alternate.

The snake in my opinion was the most difficult yet enjoyable process. I modeled, rigged and textured the snake. It’s actually not too hard to do a snake since essentially a snake is a long segmented cylinder. Rigging a snake is straightforward without using any fancy joints, controls, or scripts. I was able to run the snake along a spline wrap to animate it’s movements.